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Steff la Cheffe this year’s headliner on the Waldbühne

She’s back! For a few years it had been relatively quiet around Bernese rapper and beatboxer Steff la Cheffe. After a brief hiatus she worked on different projects, for example on the stage play “Alice” or as a guest of Stephan Eicher’s tour. In the meantime she had us wait for five years for the successors of her top album, “Vögu zum Geburtstag” and its hit single “Ha ke Ahnig”.

Well, the wait is finally over. In the spring, Steff la Cheffe is due to release her new album with unpretentious songs and intimate lyrics that most likely will be as clever, humorous, and peculiar as always. While the Bernese singer will stay true to rap, she has also opened up to other musical styles.

On Wednesday, 11th July, Steff la Cheffe will be the headliner on the Waldbühne – together with a high-carat 7-member band.