A little while ago, in a galaxy fairly close, a spicerunner from the orion nebula crash-landed his spaceship next to a junkyard on an abandoned planet. Searching for spare parts, he explored the junkyard, when he found something that caught his attention: a piece of wood with steel strings tied to it. Shortly after, he was able to figure out how to use it and went on a mission to spread the word of this new sound throughout the galaxy. Along the way he found two scavengers that joined him on his mission; the trio was complete! Together they traveled through the galaxies and visited hundreds of planets to spread the message of music. Their hard-hitting, riff-oriented sound with psychedelic touches found supporters all across the universe and continues to amaze many different civilizations. But some evil alliances want to steal their sound and make it their own, so our heroes have to be aware of fraudulent activities…