Test Acts Time
Array ( [status] => ok [message] => [error_code] => [data] => Array ( [id] => 2025-baby-volcano [title] => Baby Volcano [stage_id] => 3 [stage_title_en] => Waldbühne [stage_title_de] => Waldbühne [event_section_id] => 1 [event_section_title_en] => Wednesday [event_section_title_de] => Mittwoch [country] => CH [description_en] => Although she was raised in Guatemala and the French-speaking part of Switzerland, Lorena Stadelmann's true home appears to be the stage. At least, this is what her crazy live performances as Baby Volcano will have you believe. As a trained dancer, Stadelmann knows how to captivate her audience. And once she grabs the microphone, things really begin to heat up – so much so that the intense trap and reggaeton instrumentals of her tracks might seem like an afterthought at times. Baby Volcano raps and sings with as much fury as tenderness – but always with a clear message. Her French and Spanish lyrics speak of different parts of the body, from the uterus to the throat to the heart, feminist rallying cries that – rightly – mince no words! [description_de] => Aufgewachsen zwischen Guatemala und der französischsprachigen Schweiz scheint Lorena Stadelmanns wahres Zuhause die Bühne zu sein. Das zumindest lassen ihre crazy Live-Auftritte als Baby Volcano vermuten. Als ausgebildete Tänzerin weiss Stadelmann, wie sie das Publikum in ihren Bann ziehen kann. Und sobald sie das Mikrofon in die Hand nimmt, geht es so richtig zur Sache. Da kann es vorkommen, dass die krassen Trap- und Reggaeton-Instrumentals ihrer Tracks fast wie eine Nebensache wirken. Mal rappt und singt Baby Volcano wütend, mal fast zärtlich – immer aber mit klaren Ansagen. Ihre französischen und spanischen Lyrics handeln von Körperteilen – vom Uterus über die Kehle bis hin zum Herzen –, sind feministische Kampfansagen und lassen keinen Zweifel daran, wer hier die Forderungen stellt. Und das natürlich völlig zurecht! [link_web] => [link_facebook] => [link_instagram] => https://www.instagram.com/babyvolcano__/ [link_twitter] => [link_soundcloud] => [link_mx3] => [link_youtube] => [link_snapchat] => [link_spotify] => https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/artist/4v7IAW1zJCPQNdq3UpiDoU?si=BhIJSM28Qb2eb0EV_5W3Fw [link_tiktok] => https://www.tiktok.com/@babyvolcano9 [video_link] => https://youtu.be/xPVE0S29SsI?si=B6ktTZtiuPhlHuXU [video_embed] => [spotify_embed] => [start_at] => 2025-07-16T22:00:00.000Z [start_at_nice] => Do 17.07.25 - 00:00h [start_at_timestamp] => 1752703200 [end_at] => 2025-07-16T23:00:00.000Z [end_at_nice] => Do 17.07.25 - 01:00h [end_at_timestamp] => 1752706800 [image_url] => https://eventon-bcd-production.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/gurtenfestival/production/shows/images/690bc505f72d06c5c5b475b8_large.jpg?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIA2ZJAN7KLXKIKESW2%2F20250214%2Feu-central-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250214T011240Z&X-Amz-Expires=604800&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=1fe1b4822b7ff22156c664d963091a635fc3c5e791b18ce3d7f1009b11482df7 [image_url_medium] => https://eventon-bcd-production.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/gurtenfestival/production/shows/images/690bc505f72d06c5c5b475b8_medium.jpg?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIA2ZJAN7KLXKIKESW2%2F20250214%2Feu-central-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250214T011240Z&X-Amz-Expires=604800&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=ccc39f5af88a5ce908b99ca26bc84257d47dd652b706c13408b9fb73fb6bf3d9 ) )Mittwoch
Date 1: 2025-07-16 22:00:00
Date 1: 2025-07-16 22:00:00
current time: 02/14/2025 08:12:47 pm
current timezone server: UTC