Festival Info
Gurtenfestival 2019: Of weather gods, dream builders, and aching muscles
This year’s Gurtenfestival was blessed by the weather gods: four beautiful, sunny days at extremely danceable temperatures – and the best audience on earth!
Lo & Leduc wrote (festival) history with their show at the 2019 Gurtenfestival! And the night before, it was shivers up and down the spine for ninety minutes straight with local heroes and dream builders Patent Ochsner and their simply overwhelming performance.
Swiss bands were very prominently featured, representing over 50% of all live acts. Whether on the main stage, the marquee, or the Waldbühne: these Swiss musicians impressively demonstrated their high calibre.
In addition, international stars such as Twenty One Pilots, Gurten and Aare fans Marteria & Casper, Rosalìa, Rudimental, and Ms. Lauryn Hill created a splendid partying atmosphere. And thanks to Rudimental, some visitors may still wake up with aching leg muscles on Monday morning! By the way, the three dance tents almost burst at their seams at times. It appears that we hit a nerve with our diversified, progressive dance programming.
Finally, we are happy to report that this logistically challenging festival with a total of 76,000 visitors was completed without any incidents. The Gurtenfestival was sold out on three of its four days, proving that we’re on the right track. Thank you all for celebrating with us!